Sunday, 22 June 2014


Today I  did a little bit of baking. It's not new,  I used to spend all my weekends cooking up a storm, but now I don't like my kitchen plus it's always much more inviting to be outside. But, today my treats were healthy (that is new!) - Raw Energy Superfood Balls, healthy, but also delicious because boys eat them all! 

The recipe is from Lola Berry. The 20/20 diet cookbook is one of my favourites for gluten free/sugar free meals. Everything is quick, easy and most importantly tasty. 

These balls have been getting around for a while and I have made them before, they are a good little snack to have around (while they last) instead of the more guilty options. 

If something is this good, it's only fair to share it. Enjoy. 

LL x

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Lets kick it off with a style board. We all know we have just hit Winter. Those of us who are lucky enough to live on the Sunshine Coast may be easily mistaken that we have just ticked over to Spring. 

Below are a couple of wardrobe pieces which I find essential in the cooler months. One should never be without a good hat and an even better pair of boots. Over the years I have had many of boots, but my latest pair are really standing the test of time (winter-summer-back to winter) and they are of course, Senso. They are definitely worth the pennies, and despite what you think, I'm sure you deserve it!



Little Lady. Formally known as Heidi (Hai-dee). 27. A dreamer, fashion lover, creator, over thinker. Sometimes psychic reader.

I like to write. I have many ideas, struggles, thoughts and happy moments, so why not share them with you? We can talk fashion, life, style tips, love and anything that pops up in between. 

You can read it, share it, bin it - it's up to you. I won't hold any grudges.

x LL